Tuesday 26 June 2012

Hopewell Rocks New Brunswick June 24 25

Hopewell Rocks High Tide  "Flower Pots"

Hopewell Rocks Low Tide
June 24 and 25 -- Since the weather was not cooperating, we arrived in Moncton New Brunswick ahead of schedule in the afternoon on Sunday June 24.  This allowed us to drive down to our destination at Hopewell Rocks in the Bay of Fundy so we could witness high tide.  The Bay of Fundy experiences some of the largest tidal changes on the planet.  The area around Hopewell Cape sees tides ranging from 36 to 45 feet.  The river flows backwards twice daily as the water is compressed into the narrow bay.  The erosion caused by this tidal change accounts for the “flower pot rocks” at Hopewell Rocks.  Three hours before and after low tide, visitors can walk down on the ocean floor. We returned Monday morning at low tide and hiked around the park taking photos from the same vantage points as the day before.  We were glad that we saved this for the end of the trip – it was certainly the highlight.  The Fundy Coast was definitely our favorite part of New Brunswick. 

Diamond Rock High Tide

Diamond Rock Low Tide
The Flats at High Tide

The Flats at Low Tide
A Face for Emilio

For my son Chocolate River Hribernik

Our time in the Maritime Provinces was coming to a close and it was time to head back to Michigan.  In the future, we plan to fly to St. John’s, Newfoundland and rent a car to tour the province. We will have to plan the trip to coincide with one of the maritime music festivals.  The festivals really get into full swing in July after the end of the Canadian school year. 

1 comment:

  1. Well now . . . looks like I need to visit this place.
