Thursday 21 June 2012

Cape Breton Island June 20 21

Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia could not be any stronger contrast to Prince Edward Island.  The rocky cliffs in the Highlands National Park rise up from the sea to summits of nearly 1800 feet.  The terrain is rugged and untamed.  Alexander Graham Bell chose the highlands, which reminded him of his native Scotland,  to build his summer home near Baddeck.  He performed experiments with aviation, genetics and collaborated and funded development of hydrofoils there.  Baddeck is home to a very informative museum dedicated to Bell.  We arrived in Baddeck Tuesday evening.  Wednesday we drove the Cabot Trail through the Highlands National Park and drove all the way out to Bay St. Lawrence on the northeast end of the cape.  John and Sebastian Cabot came ashore here in 1497.  I wonder what words they uttered when the stumbled upon this place thinking this was the New World. 

Wednesday evening we drove over to the seaport city of Sydney and had dinner before returning to Baddeck.

Cape  Breton Highlands National Park

I could not resist taking a photo of this sign on a Scottish craft shop.

Caught this photo of a fisherman checking his lobster traps.

Lobster Fisherman

Thursday morning we toured the Alexander Graham Bell Museum and then headed on to Halifax along the southern coast of  Nova Scotia. 

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